Understanding the “5.2 OH&S Policy” requirement in ISO 45001:2018

Understanding the “5.2 OH&S Policy” requirement in ISO 45001:2018

In this article, we will understand a little more about the “5.2 OH&S Policy” requirement of ISO 45001:2018 and how important it is for the safety of workers in your organization!

The ISO 45001:2018 Standard, Occupational Health and Safety Management System (OH&S), is a document that provides organizations with guidance on how to ensure the integrity and health of workers within their facilities.

In this standard, we can find requirement 5.2, which is responsible for systematically guiding the factors that involve the management and OH&S policy.

In addition, this requirement has brought some news since its publication, presenting with much more clarity and robustness the real objective of the policy in an occupational health and safety standard.

So, in this article, we are going to learn a little more about the policy within ISO 45001:2018 and about what factors the company needs to implement and ensure to guarantee the health of its workers.

Knowing the 5.2 OH&S policy requirement in ISO 45001:2018

Each ISO standard has a more specific description of the policy in the business area it deals with. However, in general, the policy is the commitment and guideline that directs the organization to its objectives.

This policy is the strategic vision and what guides the actions of an organization and its employees.Thus, of course, it must be aligned with the mission, vision and values ​​of the company. Therefore, an organization needs to define its policies well so that its procedures are efficient and clear to all involved.

Politics fulfills this role, and precisely because of this it is within the leadership requirement. So, it is up to top management to provide leadership, define the policy and include some commitments, which are presented throughout the standard.

The OH&S Policy

As the norm’s own orientation, it’s ruled that the Senior Management must establish, implement and maintain an OH&S policy and that it must contain certain objectives such as:

Include a commitment to provide safe and healthy working conditions

This is a topic essential to ensure employee safety. The norm suggests that the organization commits to and provides adequate materials, equipment, space and support to workers.

This is, of course, for the purpose of preventing and minimizing injuries and health problems related to the workers’ craft. Furthermore, it is worth noting that all of this must be appropriate to the purpose, size, context of the organization and the specific nature of its OH&S risks.

Include structure and commitment to the legal requirements and objectives of the organization

It is very important that organizations follow legal requirements, that is, laws, ordinances, decrees and regulations that act for the proper functioning of your company.

Especially because it is a health and safety at work standard, it is essential that everything is properly regulated and made available to employees and other stakeholders. Even in order to avoid fines and violations of the law.

Thus, the policy objectives also need to be aligned and compliant with the legal requirements needed to implement, establish, maintain and continually improve OH&S!

Include a commitment to risk elimination and continuous improvement

As this is a precautionary standard, companies need to make clear what objectives they are committed to. It is therefore necessary to be transparent with what the principles are and how, through management practices, the company is willing to eliminate OH&S risks.

Which brings us to another key point of any standard. Within this context, it is necessary to include the continuous improvement of the management system, for which there is a specific requirement within the standard.

But, in general, this item is a way for the company to focus on having a more critical view and improve its practices in order to reduce accidents, costs, and bring improvement to the quality of life of employees and other stakeholders.

Include a commitment for worker consultation and participation

Indeed, workers are one of the most important parts of a company. After all, they are the ones who, in fact, execute the processes and promote improvements.

Therefore, the standard emphasizes the importance of consulting workers. The organization must ensure, then, that there are efficient means of communication so that workers can give their opinion and participate in any changes and improvements to be made.

The company must provide ways to involve and include workers to carry out decision-making, as several actions will directly impact them, so it is important for them to contribute their opinions to this process.

Documenting the 5.2 OH&S Policy

Last but not least, organizations should always be careful to document all information made available to their employees and stakeholders.

And ensure that this information is appropriate and relevant in order to promote changes and improvements. These must be communicated to everyone to generate commitment to the organization’s policy and purpose.

Taking care of health and safety is a duty of organizations!

Companies need to understand more and more that prioritizing health and safety in the workplace is essential. It is not just a formality of the 5.2 OH&S Policy requirement of ISO 45001:2018…

In addition to ensuring quality of life for your employees, this can guarantee an increase in performance and productivity for everyone!

Taking care of security is not just some bureaucracy, but an investment for a more positive image and a guarantee of more engaged employees.

If you need help with this, QMS is certified 45001:2018 for businesses.

QMS Certification

QMS is an accredited third party certification body, it is currently present in 33 countries and focuses on the certification of management systems. QMS America is managed by the US office and has consistently grown in market recognition by technical level, customer satisfaction and competitive pricing.

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