Governance and Artificial Intelligence

Governance and Artificial Intelligence

Understand vital aspects of Governance and Artificial Intelligence for the future of organizations! Read now!

The fusion of Governance and Artificial Intelligence (AI) is already a reality that brings both threats and opportunities for companies. Whereas AIs were once seen as a resource in science fiction movies, today the emergence of tools like ChatGPT or Sora has popularized the resource and brought it into the daily lives of people and businesses.

Thus, what was once fiction has now become a normal aspect of society. However, tools with such processing and creative power have also raised certain concerns among companies. At this point, Governance and Artificial Intelligence have been walking hand in hand to create stronger and more sustainable companies, as the possibilities are nearly infinite.

Whether to seize opportunities or to address threats, we need to delve deeper into this field of study that has become crucial in such a short time. This field addresses ethical, legal, social, and technical issues related to the development, implementation, and use of AIs in companies and their management systems!

Therefore, in our today’s content, we’ll discuss Governance and Artificial Intelligence, debating both positive aspects and areas that require attention. After all, with the rapid and scalable advancement of AIs in various sectors (such as healthcare, finance, transportation, security, etc.), it’s crucial to ensure they are used responsibly and safely!


Governance and Artificial Intelligence – Ensuring Ethical and Transparent Utilization

First and foremost, we need to emphasize how crucial it is for AI systems to be developed and utilized ethically, respecting human rights, social values, and necessary requirements (whether legal, statutory, or from our clients).

This issue directly leads us to the need to ensure transparency about how systems are created, trained, what data is used, and how decisions regarding them are made.

Thus, when discussing Governance and Artificial Intelligence, we need to define ethical principles to ensure that AI systems are developed and used fairly, transparently, and responsibly. Otherwise, both companies and society can suffer.


Governance and Artificial Intelligence – Respecting Regulation and Integrating Standards

Both governments and international organizations are working to develop regulations and standards to guide the development and use of AI. This may include specific legislation, such as data protection (e.g., LGPD), or ethical and technical guidelines for the responsible development and use of AI.

Additionally, we need to define principles that facilitate and make possible the integration of these new AI systems into our existing management systems (quality management, environmental management, health and occupational safety, etc.), which are already fundamental to organizations.

ISO (International Organization for Standardization) itself has initiatives in this field, both with the development of integration standards and for the development of AI (e.g., ISO/IEC 42001).


Governance and Artificial Intelligence – Educating and Empowering Employees

If training was already crucial for companies, with the emergence of AI tools, it becomes even more critical. Misuse of these tools can bring various types of harm to companies and individuals. Therefore, it will be necessary to train and educate our employees!

The need and importance of the educational factor are so significant that there is already talk of “AI Literacy” (or “AI Literacy”). This is because AIs shed light on a completely new field, which involves knowledge of algorithms, data analysis, prompts, and a series of other competencies.

Thus, making a correct junction between Governance and Artificial Intelligence also involves initiatives to educate and empower people. Whether developers, users (our employees), or other possible decision-makers. Everyone needs to understand the impacts of AI and best practices for its development and responsible use.


AI – The Future of Business Results?

The implications and ramifications of using Artificial Intelligence are practically endless, and we still do not have many certainties about how far they will go. The fact is that AIs are already routine in companies, facilitating deliveries and enabling new ways of working. Their use, from now on, will only increase and become deeper, significantly altering the way we work and live.

All this movement will result in an exponential increase in employees’ capability and production itself. Therefore, it is necessary to delve deeper and make the use of these tools more conscious, ethical, and responsible. Therefore, discussing Governance and Artificial Intelligence is much more than an act of innovation; it is a necessity.

Count on us on this journey; QMS Certification is committed to keeping you informed and always ahead. As leaders in management system certification, we will ensure that you are updated on the best practices and guidelines for using AI in your processes and business. We will be by your side on this journey, empowering you to lead with excellence, governance, and innovation in this new digital era!

QMS Certification

QMS is an accredited third party certification body, it is currently present in 33 countries and focuses on the certification of management systems. QMS America is managed by the US office and has consistently grown in market recognition by technical level, customer satisfaction and competitive pricing.

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AI Governance: What It Is and How It Works

The rise of artificial intelligence has optimized workflows, but the risks and responsibilities for companies have grown proportionally with the benefits of technological advancement. For this reason, AI governance is essential to ensure that ethical principles and regulations are respected.

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