Quality Consciousness: Doing the Right Thing!

Doing the right thing! Find out how to promote quality awareness and World Quality Day in companies!

Every year, QMS promotes a conversation about the topic that is suggested by the CQI for World Quality Day. So, let’s start talking about the theme and its importance.


What is the purpose of the proposed theme for World Quality Day 2022?

We must remember that the theme proposed by the CQI this year 2022 was “Quality consciousness: doing the right thing”.

 Doing the right thing” is not always something easy to define or execute, so the idea is to reflect on what “doing it right” is for your organization. According to CQI’s CEO, doing the right thing goes to the heart of quality management in any organization.

What he proposes is that professionals improve the quality of products and services, that they always manage to deliver what they promised. This is what moves people in decision making (or what should move them).

In this way, celebrating special dates, such as World Quality Day, is a way of translating the values ​​and aspirations of the company’s policies into how to do the right thing and deliver quality in work routines, at all levels.


Why does “doing it right” matter?

It may seem simple, but “doing it right” is not just about delivering a product to your customers, as this concept goes much further, there are other aspects involved.

Thinking about recent cases of large companies, we can see that failures in areas such as leadership, behavior and culture can lead organizations to cover up the problems. Ultimately, this can lead to the destruction of organizational reputation and the lives of people involved with company processes.

So many more aspects are involved in this process. The “doing the right thing” is mainly delivering with quality. It is, in fact, a matter of guaranteeing the perpetuity and continuity of the business. Your company’s reputation depends on it!

The “Doing it right” works, then, by balancing the entire series of interest by the interested parties. Investors today greatly value this. So, more and more, it’s not just about doing the right thing, but demonstrating that you’re doing the right thing.

In addition, this factor is also closely related to improving the quality of the delivery of products and services, as this is what moves people who need to make decisions every day.


How can ISO standards help?

Adoption of ISO Standards and accredited certifications are the basis for generating the trust necessary for organizations to demonstrate what is right for their stakeholders and customers.

The general objective, according to ISO 17021-1, is that a certification should provide confidence to all parts of a management system that it meets specific requirements. So, we need to consider that these management systems implemented are the basis to demonstrate to your customers that you care and seek to add value, to always offer the best and the right in your organization.

When we decide to implement a management system, we clearly also implement governance, performance assessment tools, internal controls, reviews, audits and much more.

For the quality crowd, this always seems to be something very obvious, but the proposed objective for this year’s theme comes with that intention. Something that everyone is already used to, but that needs to be better explored so that they are very well involved in the principles of the organization.

Focusing on quality is ensuring success!

Quality is the pillar that helps create a culture where people observe, evaluate, demand and defend others to do the right thing. So, this “area” has the responsibility to promote and develop this awareness in all areas and collaborators, not just for its specific niche.

The theme deals with quality awareness, as the objective is also to create this challenge of ensuring that everyone in the organization has this mindset. This culture of quality, of doing the right thing, is what is good for everyone, and it is necessary to guarantee resources to guarantee it.

This must be systematically promoted and scaled up throughout the company to actually create quality consciousness.

What to do to celebrate World Quality Day in the company

Considering all the aspects mentioned so far, the time has come to act. So here are some suggestions for actions that you can promote in your company to celebrate this important date.

This is the time to convene all leaders and employees, to be a moment of reflection and create improvement strategies! So here are some ideas:


Organize a coffee break

Organize a good break and coffee to enjoy the moment with the team and share stories about how quality and “doing the right thing” have changed and can change things within the organization.


Organize lectures

Organize lectures (online or in person) and invite qualified and interesting people to talk about the topic or a relevant subject in the company. This is a great time to encourage everyone to participate.


Make dynamics

With a little more time and resources, a good strategy is to create dynamics and new ways of approaching the subject through discussion groups that will generate proposals for improvement and other ideas.


Quality Week 2022: a moment to break paradigms!

Finally, we’ll conclude by saying that the quality week is a moment of celebration and awareness. Something to reflect on all the achievements and everything that the organization managed to promote throughout the year.

It is also the time to open new proposals to ensure continuous improvement and evolution within the company.

QMS Certification

QMS is an accredited third party certification body, it is currently present in 33 countries and focuses on the certification of management systems. QMS America is managed by the US office and has consistently grown in market recognition by technical level, customer satisfaction and competitive pricing.

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