5 tips for conveying the company culture

5 tips for conveying the company culture

The culture of your organization can be reflected to the public and can generate very positive results both for branding and financially, as well as for employees.

The company culture is a factor that affects the results of the company, as it is the way the organization deals with situations in order to achieve its objectives, so making it transparent to the public is essential.


1. Review your company’s mission

It is important that your company’s culture aligns with the mission, and both are determined by top management.

The company’s mission is its essence, why the business exists, and what its objective is with its customers. Just as the world changes, the mission can also be altered, so if some time has passed and you no longer identify with the company’s mission, you can revise it.

It is crucial that all members of the organization know their purpose (mission). In this way, when carrying out daily tasks, they will know the most appropriate decisions to make and will provide better delivery to customers and other stakeholders.


2. Company culture starts at the top

Everyone in top management should be committed to the mission, as they reflect the behavior of other employees, so be very careful about who you promote to the highest positions in the company.

All leaders in the company need to guide their teams in how work should be done, point out necessary improvements, manage the internal climate, and conduct training. Therefore, they are the cause of the dissemination of behavior that aligns with the organization or not.


3. Take group actions to disseminate company culture

It is important to carry out actions with the various areas of the company aiming at positive reinforcement in the employee + company relationship. An employee who likes where they work, dedicates more to the causes raised by the organization.

Another important aspect for this action to exist is that, unlike a bad attitude that spreads quickly, organizational culture must be constantly reinforced. Putting people aligned with your purpose together with others helps to further this vision.

On the other hand, if a person really does not fit in with your culture, they will feel demotivated and out of place.


4. Train ALL your employees

Your trainings should focus on how you want employees to deal with situations, and don’t think that only the customer service team needs this training, it’s for EVERYONE in your organization.

Although some areas do not directly deal with the customer, their work reflects on the service provided or product delivered, and the customer will feel it, whether it’s through deadlines or quality. Orient all your trainings towards customer satisfaction.


You might be interested in this post: How to handle customer complaints according to ISO standards.


5. Marketing needs to be well involved with the mission

Marketing is the company’s business card, the lead may not know your name, service, or product, and know you through a marketing action performed.

Therefore, decision-makers in the marketing area need to be well involved with the mission in order to direct actions well to the external audience.

Another undeniable point is that marketing sells the company not only to leads but also to potential new employees. You may have already become aware of an advertising campaign by an organization and thought, “I would like to work for this company.”

Positive marketing can bring more qualified labor to your company that is already aligned with your culture.

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