Brainstorming: What is it and how to apply it?

Are you looking for a technique to create new ideas for your business and explore your team’s creativity? Then brainstorming could be your solution!

You’ve probably heard the saying that goes “Two heads are better than one!It is based on this principle that we can summarize the proposal of the Brainstorming tool!

Brainstorming is a word that means “storm of ideas.” It was originally developed in 1939 by Alex Osborn. Since then, it has become a technique used in many companies that seek to innovate their processes, seek creative solutions for new projects or solve problems.

Brainstorming is nothing more than a way to integrate and explore your team’s creative capacity. In order to, through different points of view, find ideas for improvements and solutions.

Thus, we can also say that Brainstorming is focused on seeking the creativity of the participants of the technique, extracting the best in people.

Brainstorming Application in the business routine

Imagine that we are in a team and we need to carry out a project from scratch. Something new in the company that brings uncertainty to everyone. When several ideas and suggestions are raised, we are able to have different concepts that help to assemble a structure and take a step forward at the beginning of the project.

This is precisely the intention of the Brainstorming technique, a rain of ideas, possibilities and knowledge so that we can achieve the proposed objective.

According to the technique, everything must be taken into account at this initial moment, however strange your ideas may seem, they must be taken into account. That’s because, in some way, they can help in the final process.

Brainstorming became popular, mainly being used in the areas of marketing and advertising. However, it is not limited to these fields only, and can be used by any type of company.

But for it to be used effectively, we need to understand and apply some rules that help to ensure a good performance of the technique and the maximization of opportunities collection. Let’s check them out.

Fundamental principles to apply Brainstorming

The purpose of Brainstorming is that a group of people get together and explain their thoughts and opinions without reprisals. Be it to plan a new project, develop a new product, solve problems, among many other functions.

For this, it is suggested that some basic principles be followed, they are:

Focus on quantity

The more ideas, the better the process!

The technique of brainstorming says that it is possible to find quality within quantity. So, at first, we don’t list what is good or not, only all the ideas that come up.

Avoid criticism

Since the main purpose of this technique is to carry out a survey of many ideas, anything that is suggested is welcome. In this way, no suggestion should be criticized during the session, as the purpose is to make everyone involved participate in the process and give their opinion.

If, at any point, the suggested idea is criticized, this can discourage the person from continuing to give an opinion, as well as affecting other participants. This can cause the number of presented suggestions to decrease, impairing the technique.

Appreciate all ideas

All suggestions, including those that deviate from previously known patterns or concepts, are always very welcome. The goal is for a rain of ideas to take place with different points of view. So, praise every contribution received!

Combine and improve ideas

This is a very relevant principle, because here we can understand that it is possible to create new ideas from existing ones, that is, to suggest new proposals and improve them based on previous accomplishments.

Avoid conflicts

When several points of view are raised in a conversation circle, conflicts can arise and the role of the person in charge is to prevent these conflicts from becoming tense, from being taken personally. After all, because brainstorming is a time for learning and not causing problems among your team.

Putting ideas into action

It is a fact that brainstorming is a time for reflection, discovery of ideas and interaction among the participants. But it is important that the views that are presented are put into action, otherwise this process will only waste the time of those involved.

Time to put brainstorming into action!

After defining the principles that are part of the technique, it is time to organize how it will be carried out.

All ideas must be discussed and recorded for analysis and some points must be noted for your brainstorming session to be productive.


1.Determine an objective

It is necessary to establish the objective very well. And, right from the start, assess whether everyone involved understands it well, so that the suggestions are well targeted so as not to divert the focus.


2.Register ideas

We can collect ideas and write them on post-its, for example. It is even possible to use computer and cell phone applications that create mind maps, where everyone writes their suggestions and these can be easily viewed by all participants.

All it takes is for everyone to come together and use their creativity to explore the infinite possibilities for the brainstorm to occur.


3.Create a favorable environment

For ideas to flow well, the team needs to be in a quiet, calm environment that helps them to stimulate creativity.


4.Choose a leader

Every session needs a leader. Someone who helps to ensure control of the team and to guide the proposal that will be carried out, as well as to maintain the order and fluidity of the meeting.


5.Establish a time frame

To flow in the best way, it is necessary to establish a time limit. This helps not to deviate too much from the main objective and to optimize the gathering.

Having defined all the steps and principles to carry out a good brainstorming process, you can talk to your team and adopt the best methods.

Ready to do some brainstorming at your company?

When the brainstorming technique is well executed, innovative solutions can emerge. New ideas that can change the course of your business! Also, any idea that comes up will lead to reflection and can make a total difference in your company.

In addition, Brainstorming makes the team that is part of the process feel much more integrated and valued within their work environment. Thus stimulating, in addition to improving, well-being in the organization.

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