ISO 45001:2018

Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems

ISO 45001 provides a structure that organizations can work around to prevent workplace injuries and sets out framework to improve employee safety. Thanks to Annex SL, a high-level structure created by ISO that provides a universal high-level structure, ISO 45001 can be easily integrated with other generic management systems such as ISO 14001 and ISO 9001.

Control of hazards and risks in the organization

Positive branding of the organization and employee motivation

Knowledge and compliance with applicable legal requirements

Customer confidence and market opportunities

Prevention of labor lawsuits

Why should your company have ISO 45001 certification?

The occupational safety and health management system shows that a company is committed to the safety of their employees and meets the applicable legal requirements and appropriate preventive practices for hazards and risks that may arise from the company’s operations and activities.

According to the ILO, work-related accidents kill about 2.3 million people a year worldwide
0 people

QMS and ISO 45001 Certification

Pioneer in
ISO 45001:2018

QMS honors the worldwide publication of the standard that took place on March 12th, 2018 with an informational e-book that includes interpretation of its main requirements.

Qualification of

QMS performs constant qualification assessment of its auditors in the reference norm and in branches of specific activities. The qualification of auditors in ISO 45001:2018 began immediately after the worldwide publication of the Standard.

ISO Technical

QMS participates in ISO’s main technical groups with its representatives, staying on top of the latest trends in certification and updating certified companies.

How to obtain ISO certification?

ISO does not certify organizations. To obtain certification to the standard, you need to contact a third-party certification body, such as QMS, for example, which will carry out an audit of your organization and determine whether your management system meets the criteria of the ISO standard.

Step 1

Working with a consultant

Some companies decide to hire a consultant to help them with the process of implementing a management system. Through their expertise, this consultancy can guide them through the requirements of the ISO Standards and help them develop the necessary tools. Please note that hiring a consultant for this purpose is optional and this service is not offered by QMS.

Stage 2


Once you have completed the implementation of your management system and before the certification audit, you can request a pre-audit if you feel it is necessary. In this process, a certification body such as QMS will carry out a prior, independent assessment of your management system in order to check that all the requirements comply with the criteria of the ISO standard you have adopted. It is important to note that this step is optional for any organization that has applied for certification and that the pre-audit can be offered by QMS.

Stage 3

Suitable for ISO certification

At this stage, you need to apply for ISO certification through a third-party certification body. The certification body will conduct an audit of your company’s documents and management system against the requirements of the standard and determine whether it is ready for certification. During the audit, it is essential to demonstrate the effectiveness of your management system. If you wish, you can contact QMS for a no-obligation quote.

Stage 4

ISO recertification

Each certification is valid for 3 years. However, every year, the certification body carries out a surveillance audit to ensure that your management system continually adheres to the requirements of the ISO standard.

What is ISO certification?

ISO is the International Organization for Standardization. It was created with the aim of facilitating international coordination and the unification of industrial standards that contribute to the development of trade.

Standards are made up of documents that provide requirements, specifications, guidelines or characteristics that can be used consistently to ensure that materials, products, processes and services are fit for purpose.

Each standard represents a different good, service or process, and it is up to the company to decide which standard best meets its needs.

What are the benefits of being certified to an ISO standard?

Among the numerous benefits, certification can help you win contracts. If you are looking to bid for and win tenders, for example, being certified can increase your chances of being chosen as a supplier, especially for work in the public sector. In addition, certification adds credibility to your business, boosting customer satisfaction and confidence in your brand. Other benefits include cost savings and increased market share.

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