The importance of Time Management for a professional career

The professional who applies time management in life, works more efficiently and stands out among other professionals.

Nowadays, many people have been complaining about the lack of time. It is common, during the day-to-day rush, to complain that “there are no hours in the day” to complete our tasks or even to rest a little. Therefore, time management has become increasingly important.

However, very rarely do we meet people who manage to balance work, rest, family and leisure in a healthy way. Often, our routine is similar to that of these people, or even “less rush”. Still, we keep asking ourselves: “How do these people manage to reconcile all this, my God!?” Or in other situations, we make pre-judgments and say phrases like: “Wow, this person has time, right?”.

But in reality these people do something that we may not be doing: good time management. They distribute their activities and manage to keep their routine balanced.

With time increasingly valued and important in our lives, both professionally and personally, it is essential that we know how to schedule and divide it effectively. Otherwise, we have a lot to lose! Therefore, in today’s article we will address the topic, time management, and understand this story a little better!


What is time management?

Time management are techniques used so that we can organize our routine, fulfilling all tasks in a productive and efficient way. Time management can involve executing projects, professional activities, and even everyday tasks.

When we manage our time, we are able to perform our tasks with more enthusiasm and willingness, without losing efficiency. Good management of activities even influences the quality of everything we do. We don’t need to do everything at once, for example, so it’s important to understand which tasks are priorities and the time it will take for each of them!


How to do time management

Now that we understand briefly what it is and what the purpose of time management is, let’s get to know some techniques and understand how they work so that you can implement them in your routine.


Weekly Planning

Many experts claim that this is the first step to be taken. Weekly planning is a review of everything we should do. It can be done through lists, containing all the tasks you need to accomplish, divided according to your priorities. Which by the way is the next technique I’m going to cover.

This list can be made on your cell phone, a sheet of paper, a spreadsheet or etc.… It is important that after completing each task, a mark is made to identify that that task has already been accomplished. This will create a sense of productivity and keep your schedule more organized!


Prioritize your tasks

When we separate our activities according to their priorities, we can identify which task we will need to work harder to complete.

This priority can be due to the importance of the task and also by emergency, that is, the activity with the shortest delivery time. You can even, in more extreme cases, use a GUT Prioritization Matrix.


Always work towards a goal

When we know what we want, and we focus on getting there, our focus increases. That’s why it’s important that we work with goals.

For example, create a goal for your week: This week my goal is to complete all my tasks by Friday. Or, “Completing tasks X, Y, and Z is my primary goal.” Another interesting technique that can be applied to this is the self-reward, if I come to complete the goal of the example above, on Saturday I will go out to have fun, buy an ice cream, play with the dog, etc.


Don’t procrastinate tasks!

This, perhaps, is the most used word these days, when we refer to work and time. Procrastinate! To procrastinate means “to postpone, to delay, to postpone, to protract”. In other words, it means “leaving what we can do now for later or for another day”.

Sometimes, we have time to spare and we have a task that needs to be done, however, there are still a few days left for the deadline. So we thought “I’ll do it tomorrow” or “I’ll leave it for later, it’s easy to do”. Consequently, we end up leaving it to the last minute, we get overloaded and we do it in a hurry, anyway.

If you have identified with this situation, you are probably procrastinating. But we can re-educate ourselves and get rid of this practice. Avoid distractions such as social media for example. An important tip is to apply the topics mentioned throughout the article.


Take time for you!

The professional who applies time management in his life works more efficiently, completes a greater amount of activities in less time and ends up standing out among other professionals. This is important to ensure a better quality of life, higher careers and, of course, peace of mind!

Obviously, dedicating ourselves to work is fundamental to our professional performance. That’s why it’s important to have time management, because with it we can do this in a productive way, allowing time and energy to think about our well-being and how to develop innovative products, services and changes!

When we apply time management and divide our tasks, completing them successfully, we reach our goals and arrive at the end of the day with that feeling of accomplishment. And that has no price!

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