The revision of ISO 9001 has already begun, and in today’s article, we’re going to talk about everything you need to know to be up to date with this process. This is because the technical committee responsible for this standard recently approved the revision of the 9k standard, which will impact companies around the world.
In this text, we will talk a little about what comes next and also a forecast of dates for the publication of the new version. However, for now, there is no need to worry. The revision process requires various stages and is carried out with great meticulousness, making it a relatively long process.
How the Revision Process for Management System Standards Works
Before discussing the 9001 revision, let’s better understand the general systematics of revising an ISO standard for management systems.
Mandatorily, every 5 years, ISO’s system standards must go to a plenary vote to determine whether an update of the standard is necessary or not. In relation to ISO 9001, this happened in 2020 and at the time it was decided to maintain the standard without updates.
Even after this vote, ISO conducted various other research and continued to pay attention to the needs of the standard and the community. This recently resulted in the approval of the revision, which has already started and is underway!
Now, just like the revision process of a procedure in your company, various qualified professionals will gather in a series of meetings to debate the standard and elaborate the next version of the standard.
What Will Change in the ISO 9001 Revision?
ISO 9001 is adopted by more than one million companies around the world, about 18,500 in Brazil alone. Thus, the revision of ISO’s largest management system standard is certainly a major event for our area.
Therefore, rumors and doubts about what will change are already emerging. Professionals are wondering what will change, what will need to be adapted in companies, consultants are planning products related to the standard, and a series of other demands.
But due to the peculiarities of the revision process itself, it is not yet possible to know exactly what will change. Even because the revision process takes into account many aspects and hundreds of professionals from all over the world. However, we can take into account some inputs of this process, let’s see:
Revision of Annex SL
Annex SL is a kind of common layout for ALL ISO management system standards. Since its creation, all requirement standards need to be created or adapted according to its umbrella, facilitating the process of system integration.
This document has been recently revised, so it needs to be taken into account during the process and revision of ISO 9001, and this standard needs to be revised according to what was changed in the Annex SL revision.
Addressing New External Issues
Currently, item “4 Context of the organization” of ISO 9001:2015 already includes the need for companies to analyze and take into account aspects external to the organization. One of the demands of ISO itself is that, in some way, issues such as climate changes, sustainability, and diversity are addressed somehow.
This happens because with the creation of Annex SL and the evolution of the standard itself, increasingly strategic aspects of the business are being considered. Already in the 2015 revision, we had the inclusion of the entire aspect related to the business context, for example.
Demands of Market Players
The team responsible for working on the revision of the ISO 9001 standard – and in any ISO management system – is very broad and multidisciplinary. Thus, demands from consultants, companies, regulatory agencies, certification bodies, and various related institutions will also be taken into account.
This ensures greater breadth in the review and also greater adaptability of the standard to the global context, which greatly enriches management as a whole. Now, let’s get to what people most want to know:
When is the ISO 9001 Revision Coming Out?
First of all, it is necessary to understand that this is a process that can last longer or shorter according to the discussions and needs of the revision itself. During this process, various committee drafts (“drafts”) are produced and distributed to participants from all over the world, generating thousands and thousands of comments that are taken into consideration.
Thus, even if there is a schedule and a stipulated plan, changes, delays, and extensions of deadlines can occur. That said, even though this is not a Cartesian schedule, it is expected that the publication of the new version will only come out between 2025 and 2026.
What Would You Change in ISO 9001 – Quality Management Systems?
The revision of a standard as popular as ISO 9001 certainly generates anxiety and expectations worldwide. However, it is important to understand that this revision and the subsequent release of a new version are extremely important to ensure that the standard remains relevant and effective in guiding organizations towards excellence in quality management.
The focus of ISO 9001 – Quality Management Systems has always been customer satisfaction. The behavior of consumers has been changing drastically in recent years, so it is necessary to ensure that this is part of the standard.
Similarly, the standard advocates continuous improvement, preaching the need for changes whenever necessary. Thus, it is necessary for the standard itself to also undergo changes, adding new good practices and aspects necessary for the business strategies of the companies that adopt the standard.
The world undergoes constant changes, and companies are tested more than ever, so, to continue adapting to the changes and needs of the global business environment, ISO 9001 also needs to update and adapt to the changes. Therefore, it is worth waiting for the changes that will come and start to imagine what you believe is necessary in the new version of the standard.
When Will the Next Revision of ISO 9001 Be?
The revision of ISO 9001 has already begun, and in today’s article, we’re going to talk about everything you need to know to be up to date with this process. This is because the technical committee responsible for this standard recently approved the revision of the 9k standard, which will impact companies around the world.
In this text, we will talk a little about what comes next and also a forecast of dates for the publication of the new version. However, for now, there is no need to worry. The revision process requires various stages and is carried out with great meticulousness, making it a relatively long process.
How the Revision Process for Management System Standards Works
Before discussing the 9001 revision, let’s better understand the general systematics of revising an ISO standard for management systems.
Mandatorily, every 5 years, ISO’s system standards must go to a plenary vote to determine whether an update of the standard is necessary or not. In relation to ISO 9001, this happened in 2020 and at the time it was decided to maintain the standard without updates.
Even after this vote, ISO conducted various other research and continued to pay attention to the needs of the standard and the community. This recently resulted in the approval of the revision, which has already started and is underway!
Now, just like the revision process of a procedure in your company, various qualified professionals will gather in a series of meetings to debate the standard and elaborate the next version of the standard.
What Will Change in the ISO 9001 Revision?
ISO 9001 is adopted by more than one million companies around the world, about 18,500 in Brazil alone. Thus, the revision of ISO’s largest management system standard is certainly a major event for our area.
Therefore, rumors and doubts about what will change are already emerging. Professionals are wondering what will change, what will need to be adapted in companies, consultants are planning products related to the standard, and a series of other demands.
But due to the peculiarities of the revision process itself, it is not yet possible to know exactly what will change. Even because the revision process takes into account many aspects and hundreds of professionals from all over the world. However, we can take into account some inputs of this process, let’s see:
Revision of Annex SL
Annex SL is a kind of common layout for ALL ISO management system standards. Since its creation, all requirement standards need to be created or adapted according to its umbrella, facilitating the process of system integration.
This document has been recently revised, so it needs to be taken into account during the process and revision of ISO 9001, and this standard needs to be revised according to what was changed in the Annex SL revision.
Addressing New External Issues
Currently, item “4 Context of the organization” of ISO 9001:2015 already includes the need for companies to analyze and take into account aspects external to the organization. One of the demands of ISO itself is that, in some way, issues such as climate changes, sustainability, and diversity are addressed somehow.
This happens because with the creation of Annex SL and the evolution of the standard itself, increasingly strategic aspects of the business are being considered. Already in the 2015 revision, we had the inclusion of the entire aspect related to the business context, for example.
Demands of Market Players
The team responsible for working on the revision of the ISO 9001 standard – and in any ISO management system – is very broad and multidisciplinary. Thus, demands from consultants, companies, regulatory agencies, certification bodies, and various related institutions will also be taken into account.
This ensures greater breadth in the review and also greater adaptability of the standard to the global context, which greatly enriches management as a whole. Now, let’s get to what people most want to know:
When is the ISO 9001 Revision Coming Out?
First of all, it is necessary to understand that this is a process that can last longer or shorter according to the discussions and needs of the revision itself. During this process, various committee drafts (“drafts”) are produced and distributed to participants from all over the world, generating thousands and thousands of comments that are taken into consideration.
Thus, even if there is a schedule and a stipulated plan, changes, delays, and extensions of deadlines can occur. That said, even though this is not a Cartesian schedule, it is expected that the publication of the new version will only come out between 2025 and 2026.
What Would You Change in ISO 9001 – Quality Management Systems?
The revision of a standard as popular as ISO 9001 certainly generates anxiety and expectations worldwide. However, it is important to understand that this revision and the subsequent release of a new version are extremely important to ensure that the standard remains relevant and effective in guiding organizations towards excellence in quality management.
The focus of ISO 9001 – Quality Management Systems has always been customer satisfaction. The behavior of consumers has been changing drastically in recent years, so it is necessary to ensure that this is part of the standard.
Similarly, the standard advocates continuous improvement, preaching the need for changes whenever necessary. Thus, it is necessary for the standard itself to also undergo changes, adding new good practices and aspects necessary for the business strategies of the companies that adopt the standard.
The world undergoes constant changes, and companies are tested more than ever, so, to continue adapting to the changes and needs of the global business environment, ISO 9001 also needs to update and adapt to the changes. Therefore, it is worth waiting for the changes that will come and start to imagine what you believe is necessary in the new version of the standard.
QMS Certification
QMS is an accredited third party certification body, it is currently present in 33 countries and focuses on the certification of management systems. QMS America is managed by the US office and has consistently grown in market recognition by technical level, customer satisfaction and competitive pricing.
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