
Compliance in the Third Sector Understand Its Importance

Compliance in the Third Sector Understand Its Importance

The third sector is a sphere of economic activity that encompasses non-governmental organizations (NGOs), associations, foundations, and other entities that operate for social, environmental, cultural, or community development purposes, but which are often used for fraudulent activities, hence the relevance of compliance in the third sector.

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What's the Difference Between Due Diligence and Audit

What’s the Difference Between Due Diligence and Audit?

Want to understand the distinction between Due Diligence and Audit? While Due Diligence is considered a form of audit, it’s crucial to recognize that it is a more comprehensive process. It analyzes various aspects like labor, social security, financial, legal, accounting, tax, and environmental, depending on the context and the company.

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The difference between Risks and Hazards and its relationship with ISO 45001

The organization needs to understand that identifying and eliminating the risks and hazards that its employees are exposed to is fundamental both for their health and for the company’s performance. Every organization needs to manage the risks to which its employees are exposed. ISO 45001, for example, brings into its context that the organization is

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