World Quality Week 2023 – Quality: Realizing Your Competitive Potential

World Quality Week 2023 – Quality: Realizing Your Competitive Potential

Understand the importance of World Quality Week 2023 and quality management for contemporary companies and society as a whole.

We have reached World Quality Week 2023, millions of companies are currently carrying out actions in celebration of this highly relevant date.

The celebrations of World Quality Week play an unparalleled role in promoting quality, in raising employee awareness, and in stimulating continuous improvement across all sectors and aspects of the market, whether in industry, commerce, or other areas.

Moreover, as an ISO standards certification body, we represent a significant figure in the management systems scenario. Thus, it is extremely important to highlight the work we do to promote quality and support organizations in their pursuit of excellence.

Therefore, in today’s article, we will reflect a little on the importance of quality and its relationship with the competitiveness of companies.


The Importance of Quality in the Contemporary Context

Due to our experience with certifications, it is very easy to see that quality is more crucial than ever. We are still living in a post-pandemic context and unfortunately full of wars that bring to light various crises and complications that affect the entire market.

Added to this, we have the increasing complexity of products and services. Caused not only by production difficulties but, mainly, by the needs and expectations of consumers who are increasingly globalized.

Similarly, quality is intrinsically linked to trust and the way an organization operates. Thus, for me, quality is a principle that underpins long-term business success, guides the company, and overcomes medium-term difficulties and organizes operation in the short term.


World Quality Week 2023 – The management of quality and the importance of certifications

On the other hand, but equally important, we have the technical issue. From a technical point of view, quality plays a fundamental role in the global economic scenario.

ISO standards, for example, provide guidelines for the establishment of effective, standardized, and reliable quality management systems. Thus, if we conform to these standards, we have a much better chance of offering better products and services at more competitive prices.

In addition, quality can be a great ally when meeting regulatory requirements that can even paralyze operations. All this combined with great chances of finding and executing improvements and optimizations in our processes.


World Quality Week 2023 – Quality as a fundamental factor for competitiveness

When we talk about competitiveness, the first aspect that comes to our minds is to produce more and faster. However, thinking of competitiveness only from this angle is a mistake.

First of all, it is necessary to understand what we need to produce, as it is useless to produce a lot if the customer does not want to buy from our companies. In the same way, it is necessary to ensure that the increase in production will not make the product more expensive compared to the competition. It is necessary to innovate to deliver products that surprise customers. Just as it is necessary to ensure that what we produce meets all statutory and regulatory requirements.

This means that competitiveness is the result of a well-aligned and functional management system. Only by aligning all relevant aspects will it be possible to be truly competitive, sustainable, and make good profits.

In summary, quality is not just an essential requirement to meet customer expectations but also plays a fundamental role in the competitiveness of an organization. Companies that prioritize quality tend to gain significant advantages in terms of market trust, efficiency, and innovation in products and processes, becoming more competitive, profitable, and sustainable in their field of activity.


Quality: Realizing Your Competitive Potential: QMS Purpose!

The choice of theme for this year’s World Quality Week is especially special for us, after all, it meets our values as a company. Quality is a growth and improvement factor, enabling us to find information and innovate whatever area we are in.

Quality not only helps to improve internally but also produces benefits for other stakeholders, such as suppliers, customers, and society. This makes it possible to ensure a cycle of competitiveness and sustainability that goes beyond the walls of companies.

From the moment your company matures its processes and strengthens its management system, the logical path is to increase reputation and growth for both the organization and the ecosystem that surrounds it. Thus, concretizing the so famous and sought-after win-win relationship.

Now, it is up to you and your organization to celebrate this date and also act to encourage people and improve processes. Whether by certifying your organization or just implementing standards, working with more quality is to go beyond and evolve in every sense!

QMS Certification

QMS is an accredited third party certification body, it is currently present in 33 countries and focuses on the certification of management systems. QMS America is managed by the US office and has consistently grown in market recognition by technical level, customer satisfaction and competitive pricing.

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