How many ISO certified companies are there in the world?

How many ISO certified companies are there in the world?

Know where to look to find out the number of ISO-certified companies and to better understand the certification market worldwide.

The number of ISO-certified companies has been increasing year after year, and QMS is proud to be part of these numbers. After all, part of our mission is to strengthen the world through certifications! We audit and certify thousands upon thousands every year, realizing our purpose and helping organizations achieve better results.

Because of our line of work, we frequently get questions like, “Is there a website that lists all the ISO 27001 certified companies?” or “Where can I find a publication that shows all the organizations in a particular country that are ISO 9001 certified?” In today’s article, we will discuss this and try to answer these common questions in the day-to-day life of QMS Certification.

For us, auditors, staying aware of the ISO certification numbers gives us a chance to better understand the market and discover new job niches. For quality companies and professionals, staying updated on these numbers can point the way to improvements and new management systems that can add value to our processes.


Straight from the source: Annual ISO Survey Report

First and foremost, there is a database provided by the International Standard Organization (ISO) itself. Every year, around September, ISO releases the ISO Survey, a report detailing the total number of certifications worldwide.

In this official report, you can filter the data by market niche, by country, by standard, and more. By following the editions of this report, you can capture various insights, such as the growth of certain standards, the proportion of each country’s participation in the global context, and much more.

In this report, for instance, you can find out how many companies certified in any ISO standard exist worldwide.


Annual ISO Survey Report: margin of error in the number of ISO certified companies

It’s worth noting that the ISO Survey results might not reflect the complete reality. This is because, to determine the number of ISO-certified companies, the report takes into account information that is relayed to the ISO by certification bodies worldwide. From this collection, the report is tabulated and made available for download on the official ISO website.

The issue is that for various reasons, many bodies fail to pass this information on to the ISO. This means that although the report is very accurate and provides a good overview of the global certification scene, it might have a certain margin of error. Which brings us to another point:


Specialized portals and other official websites

So, to ensure a broader scope and stay updated on ISO certification trends, it’s worth checking other portals and official websites.

Here at QMS, for instance, we offer a lot of free content and release articles weekly. All to keep you updated not only on the number of ISO-certified companies but also in continuous learning!

Additionally, the IAF (International Accreditation Forum) is another excellent resource for staying informed. The organization offers a monthly newsletter that can help understand certification trends and also provide valuable insights about our areas of expertise.


Monitoring trends to innovate faster

At first glance, keeping track of the number of certifications and checking the ISO Survey results might seem unnecessary. However, certification numbers are a vital indicator of the market’s valued aspects. This can also hint at what to focus on to adapt to the market and conduct better business.

Another essential factor is the growing number of new standards being introduced. ISO has been making a significant effort to cover more and more management areas. Thus, monitoring the increase in certifications can also lead to new discoveries and crucial management standards for the business world.

So, stay updated and keep an eye on the QMS blog, as well as other official channels. With each new year, your company has a chance to gain more knowledge and progress in the management world. The ISO Survey report and the number of ISO-certified companies can provide significant insights for your organization, check it out here!

QMS Certification

QMS is an accredited third party certification body, it is currently present in 33 countries and focuses on the certification of management systems. QMS America is managed by the US office and has consistently grown in market recognition by technical level, customer satisfaction and competitive pricing.

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