ISO 56002 Certification – Innovation for organizations

ISO 56002 certification is a certification carried out through an attest of conformity, following all the standards of a third-party audit, with initial and periodic audits.

ISO 56002 certification is based on the requirements of the Standard, where the company is audited based on the guidelines of the Standard with verification of processes, interviews, and evaluations.

ISO 56002 certification has great benefits for organizations such as:

  • Sustainability of the business;
  • Anticipation of Trends;
  • Culture of Innovation;
  • Insights management;
  • Continuous improvement;
  • Feedback-based innovation.

The benefits that ISO 56002 certification brings to an organization are not limited to those described, but we can say that these are the most latent and clearest when a company implements and seeks ISO 56002 certification. I explain each of them:


Business sustainability

In increasingly competitive markets, the search for business sustainability is a matter of survival, companies with ISO 56002 certification have enough structure and flexibility to change their business model and survive in increasingly competitive markets;


Anticipating trends

With ISO 56002 certification, a company has a methodology implemented to manage and apply trends in its business, and even to anticipate since the corresponding innovation structures permeate the main normative requirements;


Culture of Innovation

With ISO 56002 certification, companies not only implement a standard in their processes, but also generate a culture of innovation, which is one of the requirements of the Standard recommending organizations to implement such a culture;


Insight management

Within the framework of ISO 56002 companies adopt and practice methodology for managing insights, the Standard establishes guidelines for the organization to effectively implement an internal management of insights that generates results and innovation;


Continuous improvement

Like any ISO Standard, ISO 56002 certification promotes the PDCA tool, thus generating continuous improvement in the entire innovation process and also in the methodologies implemented to generate innovation;


Feedback-based innovation

Finally, feedback innovation in our opinion is the main benefit of ISO 56002. ISO 56002 certification promotes in several different ways that innovation within the organization is fed back by internal audits, conformity audits by the certification body, alignment meetings, operation, and planning methodologies and more.

In the short and medium term, we see no other alternative for organizations and society than investing in innovation, otherwise obsolescence is certain, and ISO 56002 certification is the starting point for this.

Ready for ISO 56002 certification? Come to know more at QMS North America.

QMS Certification

QMS is an accredited third party certification body, it is currently present in 33 countries and focuses on the certification of management systems. QMS America is managed by the US office and has consistently grown in market recognition by technical level, customer satisfaction and competitive pricing.

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