Objectives of ISO 45001:2018 – Occupational Health and Safety Management System

In this article, we will learn a little about the Objectives of ISO 45001:2018 and how it can bring benefits to your company’s performance in terms of health management and job security.

Based on data collected by the International Labor Organization (ILO), it is estimated that 2.3 million people die annually from diseases and accidents at work.

In 2021 alone, 571,800 accidents and 2,487 deaths associated with work were recorded, an increase of 30% compared to 2020. Very significant numbers that could be avoided, so that’s when the role of the ISO 45001:2018 standard comes in.

This is an international standard for the Occupational Health and Safety Management System,which aims to improve the performance of any company in relation to Occupational Health and Safety (OSH).

The standard contains requirements for all companies to be able to orient themselves and develop procedures that guarantee safety and better working conditions. So, in view of this extremely important issue, let’s see more details about 45k, so we can learn more about what this standard is and how it adds improvements to your company, shall we?


How important is ISO 45001?

ISO 45001:2018 is an important standard as it helps companies find ways to reduce the number of work-related injuries, deaths, illnesses and sick leaves. Thus, it helps to provide safe and healthy environments and materials for people.

Despite being a voluntary adherence standard, it also helps companies to comply with the laws related to Occupational Health and Safety (OSH).

Thus, the focus of ISO 45001:2018 is the continuous improvement of the occupational health and safety management system and the management of occupational risks. All this to minimize possible accidents in the work environment.

It should be noted that the standard emphasizes that risk management is an essential resource within an OSH management system. This is because it adds value, protects everyone involved and helps to comply with legal requirements, thus moving towards the improvement of the company as a whole.


What are the objectives and benefits of the 45001:2018 standard for your company?

The first thing to keep in mind is that safety and health in the workplace is much more than an area of ​​the company. It must be a priority, if only because it is a legal, operational and strategic necessity.

Thus, the main objective of this standard is to help companies to adopt good practices and encourage care aimed at the health and quality of life of workers. The standard defines that organizations are fully responsible for the health of their professionals, and must offer good working conditions to everyone.

This process not only includes a suitable location, but also the provision of personal protective equipment and actions aimed at protecting the physical and mental health of workers. All this to minimize possible risks of accidents and contribute to the organization’s productivity.

Even if the objectives of the standard are very “venerable”, it must be confessed that it is not always easy to guarantee the health and well-being of employees. Bearing in mind, of course, the various existing organizational contexts.

However, this difficulty is easily overcome by the benefits that OSH brings. Those that also need to be highlighted, as implementing ISO 4500:2018 can be a differential, bringing positive impacts to your company’s image.

The benefits of implementing an Occupational Health and Safety Management System can include:

  • More credibility for the company;
  • Being in compliance with labor laws and regulations;
  • Demonstrate commitment to everyone involved in your company;
  • Improve people’s productivity;
  • Improve organizational culture;
  • To prevent risks and possible accidents;
  • Avoid lawsuits, fines and labor indemnities;


Why invest in management based on the ISO 45001:2018 standard?

Investing in an OHS Management System is a strategic decision for your organization. To ensure the effectiveness of this process, commitment and participation of all those involved in the company are required.

No matter what your company’s segment is, everyone can adopt a methodology that will add to your management system. The ISO 45001 standard seeks to provide organizations with the means to understand what are the issues that may affect the way they manage their occupational health and safety responsibilities towards their workers.

In any case, interpreting the requirements and obligations of a standard such as ISO 45001 may not be the easiest task.

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