What are the advantages of ISO certification?

Many people understand the concept of ISO certification, but do they truly understand the benefits? ISO certification is more than just a framed piece of paper on your wall. We have come up with 6 main focus areas that help you understand the added value of certifying your company.


1- Cost Savings

Not only can certification help your company win new contracts, it can also help increase revenue by reducing costs. The process that is controlled and validated can streamline operations, minimizing waste and errors. A recent study by the American Society for Quality concluded that for every $1 spent on your QMS, $6 in revenue can be expected. On average, they saw that quality management reduced costs by 4.8%.


2- Customer Satisfaction

Customers are the lifeblood of any business, their needs and wants impact every aspect of your business. By improving the quality of your product or service, you have the ability to increase customer satisfaction and increase sales. The voice of your customers speak louder than any marketing strategy.


3- Access to new markets

ISO standards are internationally recognized so they can help companies access new markets overseas and open up new opportunities that are not available otherwise.


4- Greater market share

If you are in business, you clearly already have a market share. However, by increasing your productivity, you are taking steps to develop a competitive advantage against your competitors. Certification is likely to broaden market potential, and it’s more likely to give companies an edge in new markets.


5- Independent Audit and Review

Trust needs to be gained and an independent review of your organization gives customers confidence in their systems.


6- System Integration

ISO is not about starting from scratch with your processes; it is about ensuring that your system is integrated and effectively “talking” with one another, it enables your organization to work as a single unit with unified objectives.


Contact us to find out more about certification at qms-certification.com

QMS Certification

QMS is an accredited third party certification body, it is currently present in 33 countries and focuses on the certification of management systems. QMS America is managed by the US office and has consistently grown in market recognition by technical level, customer satisfaction and competitive pricing.

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